The Queen a Land Rover Fan? As most of us know the queen has been seen pictured driving many Land Rover vehicles and throughout the years driven more than just a handful of.
The Queen a Land Rover Fan? As most of us know the queen has been seen pictured driving many Land Rover vehicles and throughout the years driven more than just a handful of models. Last week was the queen 90th Birthday and on a parade she was seen waving from the rear of a Range Rover Vogue. However this particular vehicle was not any ordinary vehicle, it actually looked as if the roof had been completely cut off. Yes the queen has her very own modified Range Rover which is used for such parades when facing the waiting public. With many optional extras such as bullet proof glass and reinforced tyres the highly armoured vehicle has a price tag of over £200,000.00.
During the Second World War it was known the Majesty actually learned how to handle a spanner or two. The queen was instructed to help be part of the mechanic side of the logistics giving her the perfect experience behind 4x4 vehicles. The Majesty is often seen driving around her estate at Balmoral along with further Royals. The Queen often visits Balmoral during the best months of the year from July until mid-September. During her summer months at her Scottish home many family members visit her with last year being the first visit of Prince George. We at Exec 4x4 Hire provide many same Land Rover models for hire.